Krista Gansterer, RMT

Krista was always told by her father that she was born to move!  At a young age Krista always knew she would go into a career in fitness, dance or therapy. 

Krista is a graduate from St. Lawrence College with a Fitness and Health Promotion diploma along with a diploma in Massage Therapy. She is always reading, researching the latest in treatment, exercise and therapeutic modalities to best serve clients. 

With many years working at various gyms, recreation centers, physio clinics, and pilates studios Krista gained experience personal training and teaching group fitness classes. Throughout many years of taking movement courses such as Thai Yoga Massage and Functional Range Conditioning; Mobility Specialist, Krista was drawn to the therapy world to learn more in depth anatomy and help people through manual therapy. Her approach incorporates mobility and rehabilitation training, deep tissue massage and fascial stretch therapy. 

Krista uses fitness, movement and exercise as a therapeutic tool to navigate the trials of life and for physical, mental and spiritual health. It is Krista’s hope that she can encourage others to find joy in movement.

In her spare time Krista loves exercising using kettlebells, steel mace, body weight strength training, and joining contemporary and Bollywood dance classes. History is a huge passion, particularly medieval history and you will often find her with a good historical fiction or fantasy book.  Krista's two cats Butters and Roy are her children who you will undoubtedly hear about during her sessions.