Thomas Sinaguglia, RMT

Thomas discovered an interest in massage therapy when he imagined providing human touch to feel, interpret, understand and better the lives of others. He has since cultivated a developing interest in human anatomy and the application of massage therapy techniques. He harnesses his knowledge and skills to promote greater movement and body awareness. His particular areas of interest are fascial work, stretching, joint mobilizations and deep tissue techniques. 

In his personal time, Thomas sees experience as a gateway to greater understanding. He has travelled to countries such as Nepal, India and New Zealand in an effort to learn about himself through raw interaction with diverse cultures. He enjoys reading and has a passion for anything creative, like writing, music, photography and cooking.

By maintaining such broad interests, others know Thomas to be open-minded, curious and compassionate. In his treatments, he seeks to enable others to achieve greater mobility and comfort through the reeducation and integration of physical movement. He hopes to listen, understand, and apply himself to your care.