Our Story

Manifesting a missing piece

Yoga has been a part of my life on and off for the past 17 years. Whenever I spend time away from my practice, I always long for the peace and the connection that yoga brings to my life. 3 years ago I was looking to recommit and deepen my yoga practice, so I signed up for a Yoga Teacher Training. I spent over 200 hours connecting with yogis, moving my body, breathing, focusing, reading, writing, exploring, and reconnecting with a piece of me that I had been missing for a while. All of this learning (and unlearning) had me embracing the yogi part of me that I had lost. I was eager to jump into the world of teaching yoga at my local studio until it unexpectedly had to close its doors. And then all things yoga came to a stop for me. Covid came and the world shut down and yoga fell out of my life once again. But I never stopped craving the peace and pleasure of the practice.

So when the opportunity for Health in Focus East included a 600 square foot “mezzanine”, the answer was clear - YOGA STUDIO!

We are so excited to bring yoga back to the community of Kingston East! We welcome new and experienced yogis alike. Our classes and environment are inclusive and safe spaces. Check out our schedule and membership options below. Let us know how we can get you on the mat at Health in Focus Yoga & Wellness. Click “Book a class” to get started today!

Om shanti shanti shanti,



Online Purchasing and Booking now available!

Please bear with us as we learn to use this new-to-us software!

Please reach out if you are having trouble purchasing or booking online: info@healthinfocus.ca or 613-531-4166

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